Wednesday 17 April 2013

QR Codes and Education, Useful or Useless?

Have you ever wondered what those small, square barcodes that are popping up everywhere? They're called Quick Response Codes or QR Code for short. QR Codes are essentially a new type of barcode that can store up to 4,296 characters. QR codes can be scanned by most mobile devices and laptop/computer cameras.

QR codes are currently being used mostly for product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management and general marketing purposes. Some of the worlds biggest companies including as McDonalds, BBC, Facebook, The New York Times and Warner Brothers are currently using QR codes to to help people quickly connect to their brand. What you decide to do with QR codes is only limited by your imagination

What can you encode in a QR code? 
The following table shows seven of the most popular uses for QR codes

Educational Uses
As an educator your probably wondering how can I effectively implement QR codes into a classroom setting? Below is a list of ways in which QR codes are already being used in the classroom
  • Easily tink to powerpoint, pictures or word documents.
  • Giving each child a QR code with their details so that all their work can be digitally tracked.
  • Having QR codes on homework sheet to give the teacher the ability to track whether students have completed and logged their homework online.
  • Embedding GeoTags for orienteering events
  • QR Code scavenger hunt, at each point the QR code is embedded with a  clue is to where the next clue is
  • Embedding small voice clips at the end of each question to check the answer (
  • QR coded periodic table (
How to make a QR code

There are hundreds or websites, mac/window programs and apps that will help you create your own QR code but I personally find to be the best. It allows to you to embed URL's, google maps locations, telephone numbers, event (VCALANDAR), contact details, paypal buy now and automatic skype/email/sms services. If you would like embed a voice message into your QR code you can visit, please note with audio embedded QR codes, you can only store up to 100 words.

I have created the following QR code with my blog URL embedded in it for an example.
If you have any thoughts or ideas on how to use QR codes in the classroom please comment below.

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