Sunday 10 March 2013

ICTs for Learning Design Week 2

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge is an extension of Shuman's 'pedagogical content knowledge" framework. The TPACK framework, created by Michigan State University education researchers Punya Mishra and Matthew Koehler can be best defined as "the essential qualities for teacher knowledge required for technology integration in teaching, while addressing the complex , multifaceted, and situated nature of this knowledge".

With this framework Mishra and Koehler hypothesise that thoughtful pedagogical uses of technology require the development of a complex, situated form of knowledge. This knowledge comes in the form of knowing and understanding the roles and interplay between the three main components of learning environments, content, pedagogy and technology. In short, in order to efficiently utilise technology within pedagogy you must have the technical skills to operate/understand the technology, you must know your content and most importantly you must know how to deliver your content in a way the you students can learn effectively. Below is a picture of the TPACK framework

Working in Wiki

Is this forum reflective of Behaviourism, constructivism, cognitivism, connectivism? 
One, or all of the above? 

What are the characteristics of the wiki design that lead you to that understanding? 
Two of the key principles of Connectivism is learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions and learning is more critical than knowing.  The first key principle is demonstrated by students ability to write their own opinion on the wiki. The second can be found in the very nature of the six thinking hats and a wiki's, their main purpose is to expand your knowledge.

Reflect on your own personal participation in the wiki
Every time I  use DeBono's Six Thinking Hats to reflect on a topic I always find myself expanding my view and questioning my own long held beliefs. Prior to adding my content to the wiki I was dead against mobile phones in school, I have long held the belief that "if i got through school without one, so should they". I now realise how out-dated and illogical this thinking was. The simple fact is that mobile phones are here and they are not going away, as educators all we can do is try and use them as a pedagogical tool.

What are the benefits, issues, drawbacks of participating in a wiki like this?
Benefits - By reading other people's ideas you are expanding your own knowledge of the topic and as you increase you knowledge on the topic your ability to successfully construct your ideas increase.

Drawbacks - The biggest draw back of a wiki project like this is the effect that Groupthink has on the content. People naturally desire to conform to a common decision, in a group environment like this humans show a tendency to conform to a popular idea without critically evaluating their own ideas. This activity has the potential for learners to also suffer confirmation bias.

How would it contribute to the learning of your students?
You could easily reorganise the task to a reflect different topic.  

How did the scaffold support the collection of a range of perspectives? 
Each learner was able to post their own opinion on each central idea. A wiki is a simple way to digitally record different opinions in an organised fashion.


  1. Wow Luke. I wa simpressed with this blog. You are the first person to illustrate an interactive whiteboard (IWB). These are in us ein most schools are provide excellent opportunities for you to engage learners.
    Well done.

  2. Thanks Gary, because my wife is a teacher I have been able to get into schools over the last couple of weeks and get used to the technology they currently have. I am really enjoying this subject and would like to specialise in ITC's within the education department in the future.
