Sunday 10 March 2013

MOOC's are the future of learning!

Massive Open Online Courses (or MOOC's) are websites that provide free online education programs. This education model is gaining some real traction and major universities are starting to take part. Two of the biggest MOOC's are the Khan Academy and Coursera.

Salman Khan created the Khan Academy in 2006 after he found that youtube videos he was recording to help his nephew were in fact helping other people around the world. He decided to expand this idea of free instructional videos and create the Khan Academy. As of 2013 The Khan Academy has over 4000 educational videos free online that cover K-12 topics such as biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics  english, finance and history.

Fro more informtation visit -

Courera was founded by computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne from Stanford University and currently offers free online university level course's in topics ranging from philosophy, business, finance, history, neuroscience, computer science, economics to name a few. The courses are presented online from over 60 reputable universities across the globe including Cal Tech, Princeton University, Duke University, Ohio State University and the University of Tokyo.

For more information visit -

Have you taken a MOOC? How did you find the experience?

Is this the future of education? Comment with your thoughts below?

1 comment:

  1. My daughter recently used Khan Academy and loves it. It helped her with her Chemistry exam.
    Will we need a classroom environment in future?
